Typical Operation Flow

1. Staff check in for duty

2. Cashier key in opening till
3. Making a sale (Define your business flow Dine in concept or Fast Food Concept)

Dine-in Concept (Dine in transaction)

        - take order on order chit

        - go to terminal and log in using staff's individual password

        - select a table from the table layout, select number of customers and open a sale (double tap)

        - key in the order and press hold bill

        - Print order list (*Optional)

        - immediately after Hold Order, Print Bill to collect payment

        - payment received is handed over to the cashier with the bill

        - Discount on bill or item (*Optional and is a privilege given to management staff)

        - Close a sale

Take away Concept (Take away transaction)

       - Create new transaction under cash register

       - Key in order

       - Pay to close a transaction(Item will automatically print to kitchen)

4. End of day closing key in your closing till.

5. View report

6. Print or email report (*Optional)

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